Friday 15 September 2017

Restoring the Most Intimate Part to a Younger and Stronger Look

“It is about more than cosmetic reasons”, says a doctor who performs vaginoplasty surgery in Maryland.
“Sexual gratification and enhancement of quality of life are high on the list of women’s priorities”.

Vaginal rejuvenation goes by many names. Revirgination, designer vaginoplasty, and G-Spot amplification are some of the other terms.
Regardless of whether the procedure is simple or complicated, it is essential that women desirous of vaginoplasty must consult their doctors first.
“A woman who desires just a vaginal makeover must be briefed of the wide range of normal genitalia women have”, says a surgeon performing vaginoplasty in Westminster MD. “This can alleviate the anxieties on this issue”.

But when the reasons are other than cosmetic, vaginoplasty may make more sense.
Some women complain that their labia are large and getting bigger after they have had babies.
“This can cause irritation through the clothing they wear, during exercise, or sex”, says a gynecologist.

Such conditions require what is called labiaplasty. This procedure corrects the labia. It takes one or two hours in the operation theater and an additional hour for recovery.
Vaginoplasty, on the other hand, tightens the vaginal canal.
Several patients complain that they are short of sensation during sex. For such women, doctors perform a procedure that joins muscles in their vagina with dissolvable stitches. The idea is to reduce the diameter of the vagina.

Vaginoplasty is a procedure that women must choose after weighing in all the risks.
Typically, women who do not have any significant problems in their medical records are good candidates for this procedure.
For older patients, surgeons may ask them to get a clearance from a cardiologist.

Some of the risks of vaginal surgery include:
  • bleeding
  • infection
  • scar tissue
  • blood clot
Recovery, usually, is not a big bother.
Patients go home after being prescribed with antibiotics, pain killers, and other medications. Some amount of soreness and swelling may prevent the patient from attending to work for 3 or 4 days.
Doctors also advise patients to stay away from heavy lifting and strenuous exercises.
“The objective is that the suture must not rip away”.
Luckily, statistics report low rate of complications.
“Can I get this done at my age?” It is quite often women ask if they are too old for vaginoplasty.
For vaginoplasty Westminster MD doctors say, “Age is not a determining factor. Rather, health is the main concern”.