Wednesday 23 August 2017

Genital Cosmetic Surgery – Helping Women Regain Their Self Esteem

Vaginal rejuvenation is turning out to be a hallmark procedure in the emerging field of cosmetogynecology.
Women are not shy anymore to discuss their most intimate issues.
“I was on the lookout for a proper treatment”, says a supermarket assistant in MD. “The aging process and childbirth had taken a toll on my vagina.  Over time, it stretched out and lost its tone. Reduced sexual satisfaction was causing tremendous stress to me”.
She underwent successful vaginal tightening at the hands of a surgeon of vaginal rejuvenation in Mount Airy MD.

She is a happy person now. The procedure offered her dual benefits. Firstly, the surgeon paid special attention to enhance the appearance of her vaginal area to structure a youthful look; and secondly, the procedure allowed her increased pleasurable friction during intercourse.

Most women opting for this surgery complain of the following:

  • Diminished sensation during sex
  • Yawning vaginal opening that’s repulsive in appearance
  • Tissue protruding from the vagina
  • Partner slipping out during sex
  • Tampons slipping out
Many women are keen to know what recovery is like after the rejuvenation procedure.
“Patients are up and about after the anesthesia wears off”, says a vaginal rejuvenation Frederick MD surgeon. “Most of my patients return to work after 4 days, though complete recovery may take 6 weeks”.

Surgeons also advise patients to avoid rigorous exercise, cycling, and 4-wheelers during the recovery period.
Most procedures end in success.
But complications, though rare, are not completely absent. There could be painful scarring or even nerve damage. The low rate of untoward issues is making women ignore those qualms.
Many gynecologists are of the opinion that “genital self image” plays an important part in what women feel about them.
Women want to feel confident about that part of their body.
Traditional doctors and sex therapists recommend less harsh measures such as Kegel exercises to enhance the pelvic muscle strength.
Kegel exercises do address such kind of insecurities, but not always. The only other option is to undergo the most private of makeovers.
Unfortunately, there is a flip side to the story. Shaping the labia is focused on older women and not teens.
Doctors say they are receiving frequent requests from teenage girls to makeover their labia minora, primarily for cosmetic reasons.

“Strictly, this procedure is not appropriate until growth and development is complete”, says a doctor who performs vaginal rejuvenationin Mount Airy.
Request for vaginal makeover from teens is another dimension that needs a different kind of screening.

Doctors say such patients must be screened for dysmorphic or psychiatric disorder that can be debilitating in the long run.
For older women having genuine complaints, yes, vaginal rejuvenation by a competent doctor certainly helps.